1 John 2:28
"Now dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ."
I've learned to love gardening over the years. As a kid I hated it. 25 years ago we got our own place with room for a garden of our own. That's when I learned to love it.
One of my favorite things in my garden area was my grape vines. I love on a fall day to go to the vines and pick and eat a hand full of grapes. I was always disappointed when I would see large numbers of grapes on the ground. They had become separated from the vine and once they had disconnected from the vine, they were no good for anything. It was only while they were connected that they had value.
This is true of all of my relationships as it with all of yours. When we stay connected we are useful and we grow. When we allow ourselves to become disconnected we can no longer grow and our relationship becomes severed.
We're told in John 15:5 that we are part of a living, growing, fruit producing organism, but only when we stay connected to the vine (God).
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5)
The same is true of our marriage and our other close relationships. If we get cut off from anybody for a time our relationship becomes disconnected.
I don't know about you but I try my best to always grow closer to God. In my heart that is my desire. Yet Satan desires for you and I to be disconnected from God. His main goal is to see us apart from God. So he fills our lives with busy "Stuff" to make it hard to connect. God didn't put us here to go from activity to activity, stressing ourselves out so we have nothing left to give. No, God created us to have a loving relationship with Him.
Think about that for a minute. God created you to have a relationship with Him. He desires for you to spend time with Him. He's waiting for you. He wants, so badly, to have an intimate friendship with you. All of the other clutter in our lives is meaningless and quite often put there by Satan to pull us away from God.
The thought of an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving God that wants to be close to me is exciting and amazing. How do we not find time for Him each and every day.
We need to remember, if we're too busy for God... We are just too busy
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