1 Corinthians 15:3-4
This is the Gospel: "that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures"

A wise man once said, "If Jesus Christ is still in that grave, nothing really matters. But if Jesus Christ came out of that grave, nothing else really matters." Jesus Christ is the one who took the sting out of sin, the dread out of death, the gloom out of the grave, and He has given us a hope that is steadfast and sure.

Here are a few questions for today...
• Where do you stand on the resurrection of Jesus Christ this morning? 
• Is Easter about a bunny and candy? 
• What made Good Friday so good?
• If you were to die today... then what?  Where is your hope?
If Jesus never died and rose again, we would have no hope for anything?  We would live for today and there would be no reason to do anything but live for ME.  BUT, because Jesus lived, died and rose from the grave, we know that if we believe this, we have a hope beyond the grave, a hope that carries us through life for all eternity.

If Jesus didn't rise from death then the disciples were all liars.  Who do you know that would be willing to live their entire life, telling one lie?  People lie for their personal gain. What gain did the disciples have if Jesus Christ is still in the grave? They died as martyrs. They were tortured, persecuted, burned at the stake. They were crushed by the mouths of lions. They were stoned. Humiliated.

Hypocrites and martyrs are not made of the same fabric!  These men knew the truth and shared it until death.

We celebrate Easter because of what Jesus did on that cross and then when He rose again. 

Good Friday is only good because of the promise of Easter morning. We rejoice, knowing that when we believe, we too can conquer the grave.

Do you believe?  Do you know without a shadow of a doubt that your faith of His life, His death on a cruel cross and t His resurrection, as proof that He lives... that this faith can save you? 

If you haven't made that choice to believe...  God Friday wasn't good and Easter isn't "happy".  Make that choice today.

Happy Easter...  HE IS RISEN


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