Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Within a few hours things will change where I am today.  Shortly after lunch the normal daylight that we take for granted will be swallowed up as the moon as I am in what they are calling the "path of totality".  This is where the sun will be completely covered by the moon.  In these areas there will be a few minutes of nearly complete darkness.

None of us knows of a specific reason God has created today's phenomenon.  However, a solar eclipse should always make God's awe-inspiring power evident to us. These events serve as tangible reminders of our Creator's amazing and awesome  power, creativity, and sovereignty in and over the universe.

One writer wrote, "When we witness a solar eclipse, we are witnessing a celestial dance that God has choreographed with meticulous precision. The intricate alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth – and the perfect synchronization of their movements – reflects God's wise design for creation."

The experience of watching this or any solar eclipse should be humbling to us. In Psalm 8:3-4 the Psalmist asks God: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"

This eclipse should remind us of God's great love for us, as it did the Psalmist.  Even though we are a minuscule part of our vast universe. As we look up to watch today's upcoming solar eclipse, we can discover the wonder of God's work in an amazing way. The spectacle of the eclipse can inspire us to marvel at God's infinite wisdom and creativity, reaffirming our faith in Him as the wonderful and awesome Creator of the universe.

Enjoy today's eclipse,  allow it to give you a greater appreciation for God's love for us and His sovereignty over all creation.

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