John 6:11-13
Jesus then took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were reclining; likewise also of the fish, as much as they wanted. 12 And when they had eaten their fill, He *said to His disciples, "Gather up the leftover pieces so that nothing will be lost." 13 So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with pieces from the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.
Pat peaked over the small rise and put his rangefinder up to his eye and peered into the small opening... "96 yards" was all he said. He placed the knock of an arrow on his bow string, came to full draw raised up and released his arrow. That are hit it's mark and within a short time we were packing out a bull elk and headed for a celebration in our Colorado camp.
Pat Takushi is one of the best archery shots I've ever met. A bow in his hands is an amazing tool of pinpoint accuracy. But put that same bow in my hands and it's value goes way down.
If I go to the tennis pro shop and pick up a custom made tennis racket and go out and play tennis, that racket is worth about $1000 (the price I paid for it). Now, that same racket, put into the hands of Serena Williams could be worth millions of dollars.
You see, it's not the tennis racket or the archery equipment that adds value, it's in the hands that it is in.
The same is true of our lives. We can hold everything we have, our gift, our talents, our money... everything. We can hold tightly to everything ourselves and they are worth very little. But, if we give them over to God, put it all in His hands, now they have immeasurably more value. Why, because we've allowed God to use it all. An all-powerful God can take the little bit that you and I have, and if we allow Him, He can change it in amazing ways.
The loaves and fish that the little boy brought, wasn't enough for more than just him. But in the hands of Jesus, they were more than enough, with much more to spare.
What are you holding back from God? What is it in your life that you aren't willing to allow Him access to? Do you know that everything we each have, we have only because He blessed us with it in the first place?
Give it all up to the God that loved you enough to give His son to die for you. If He can turn simple water into wine, just think what He can do with all He has bless you with.
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