Galatians 6:10
"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
First thing that September morning found Ben and I set up right across a valley from several bull elk that were bugling like crazy in the timber. I called and the bulls would scream in response. After a few minutes a small bull ran out of the timber and right to us but the guys let him pass. The next bull strolled out and offered Ben the perfect opportunity. I got to see the whole thing. I watched Ben draw his bow and watched the arrow flying to the target...
After things calmed down a little, Ben and I sat on the hillside for an hour or two while we waited to make sure the bull had expired. The time that Ben and I spent was the beginning of a great friendship. I was blessed by our time together.
Over the years I've wished I had more time for ministry work. I've been blessed to be able to have written most every day for the last 10 years and I get to travel and speak to men's groups and I've been offered the opportunity to fill pulpits for pastors when needed... and even now I produce a radio program and podcast every week... But I keep thinking there's more to be done.
This morning in my prayer time and through some reading I realized again that we all need to be available for ministry 24/7/365. We are where we are in life for a purpose. If we are following God, then we are living out ministry with every hand shake and every phone call. We are caring for people and showing them a loving God.
So where is your ministry? Today I was directed to Bible.org where I saw this definition of ministry – "The faithful service of God's people rendered unto God and others on His behalf to bring Him glory, build up His church, and reach out to His world."
So where can we do ministry? We do ministry at our door, on our phone, at our work and in our family. Wherever we come in contact with others we should be ministering to them... not to our own glory but to God's glory.
Ministry can be a missions trip to a far off land or it could be helping a neighbor with a project. It could be leading a youth group in your church, but it could be coaching some kids in the park. Or it might be just sitting on a mountain side sharing your life and faith with a new friend and listening to his story and life.
In Alexandra Kuykendall's book LOVING MY ACTUAL LIFE, she wrote, "Ministry is whoever is at the door or on the phone."
It's that simple... You may be called to more, to somewhere else. But no matter where you are, you are ministering... If you aren't doing that, it's time to reevaluate your heart.
Remember, every time you answer the phone, shake a hand, sit in a fishing boat or just sit on a hillside with someone... This is your opportunity to ministry.
1 Peter 3:15 tells us that we need to be ready to share our love for Christ and His love for us, at any time.
"Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect" (1Peter 3:15)
Have a great week... Be a minister this week.
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