Exodus 14:21-22
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. 22 So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

We had never been to this area.  We were guiding an elk hunters and gotten into some bugling bulls and stayed with them too long.  Now dark was closing in and we didn't know where we were going.  We did know that somewhere below us there was a truck waiting for us. 

We got on an elk trail that had been cut into the mountain over hundreds or thousands of years.  The trail was slightly downhill and headed in the right general direction.  We stayed on the trail and as darkness fell se picked up our pace, but soon one light we had went out and other was dim. 

Soon we were feeling the trail with our feet in the dark.  We could see just enough to know that we wanted to make sure that we didn't step 6" to the left of the trail.  We didn't know how far down it was... but we could tell it was steep.  I prayed hard and just kept shuffling my feet down the trail.  An hour or so later we reached the bottom and eventually found the truck.

The next morning I drove back to where we found the truck and looked back up the mountain at the elk trail we had walked down.  It was then that I thanked God that He had answered my prayers.  Any misstep would have killed or injured us severely.  He had placed the trail in front of us and we had to trust that He would take care of us...  we just had to step out in faith.

In the book of Exodus we read of the Israelites up against the Red Sea.  The Egyptians were closing in fast behind them and they had only two options, give themselves back up to the Egyptians or step out on the trail that God laid out before them.  The Israelites complained, but they took the steps and they walked into a situation that looked impossible... God saw them through.

Our daily life rarely has situations that put us in a place like the Red Sea or walking out on a ledge on a mountain.  However,  there are times when we feel God calling on us to trust Him and take what feels like a giant step of faith.  What do we do?  Do we give up and turn back to the life we've grown comfortable with.  Or do we trust Him and take the step He's calling us to?

What is it that you've felt God calling you to?  What path has he shown you that you are holding back from?  Are you thinking about turning and running back to a safe place? 

You know, that if God calls you to something and you don't follow through and turn back, you will never be happy or satisfied.  Look for the path He's laid out and step forward with confidence.  He won't allow the walls to crash in on you

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