Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I've been so blessed to be able to hunt many places for many species of animals across North America.  Whatever it is that I've hunted, I love getting as close as possible to my quarry.  I've been close enough to nearly touch many deer, black bears, a Kodiak Brown bear, elk, lots of turkeys and many other animals. 

What's my secret... it's simple, good camouflage and be still and be quiet. 

A few years back I was scheduled to fill the pulpit at a church close to home.  I came up with the idea of wearing camouflage, something that had never been done at this church before.  It made me think about the definition of camouflage...

cam·ou·flage - definition
To hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.

How often in our lives do we camouflage our love for Christ.  Why is it at times when we should shout it from the roof tops we whisper in a closet.  Why do we hold back instead of standing out for Jesus Christ? 

Christ has called us to follow Him, we need to be stepping out and stepping up.  After all, He gave up His place I  Heaven and came to earth to live and die and then He was raised again just for you and me.  We shouldn't be cowering in the shadows doing our best to hide our faith.  We need to be letting the world see our "true colors".  By camouflaging what Christ has done for us we are denying Him and His great power in our lives.

Matthew 10:32-33 warns us against camouflaging our relationship with Christ...
"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33)

Instead of putting on our camouflage covering we should be wearing our brightest hunter's orange so everyone can see who we are and what our God has done for us.

Be bold!  Step out of the shadows and into the light of the day.  As I got near the end of sermon I did in camo, I took the camo shirt off and underneath I was wearing a fluorescent orange shirt to show the difference in our visibility to the world.

Stand out and let the world know that we serve an awesome God!

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