Philippians 2:1-3
Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

There is a curious animal that less than 1% of the population of the USA has ever seen.  They live in the farthest northern regions of North America along with the ptarmigan and polar bears.  The musk ox is a fascinating creature with beautiful long flowing hair and an undercoat that is thick enough to let them live where few other creatures can survive. The main way that they can survive is that they have a community/family mentality.  When the winds blow and the temperatures drop far below zero these great beasts stand tightly together and face the wind.  The bigger and stronger members are out front and the younger members are protected in the midst of the rest of the herd.  The same thing happens when something comes to prey on these animals,  they stand together,  protecting each other... to the end if necessary.

In the scripture above the word  "therefore" that starts out verse one points back to verse 27 in chapter one.  That verse reads, "that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel."

This is a pretty big commandment to us.  This means that quite often I have to look beyond what I want or feel is right for me.  Instead I need to look at what God shows me is right for His family.  A hard pill for many of us to swallow sometimes.

I think that we often confuse unity with just plain union. There is a big difference  between union and unity at times.  Unity must always contain union... but you can be in union without unity (many marriages bear witness to this). For instance, you could tie two cats together by the tail and throw them over a clothes line (I'm innocent,  but I know somebody that once did it).  They are certainly in a  "union" but by no means do they have unity.  God wants His family to live and love together is such a way as the world only sees one body, that's unity.  This can only happen when we live and look out for the others of the family.  Loving them and protecting them as the musk ox protects the herd, when storms and predators come.

Mattie J.T. Stepanek, was an American poet who published seven best-selling books of poetry and peace essays. Before his death, at only 13 years old, he had become known as a peace advocate and motivational speaker. Just before his death he wrote...
"Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

There are many thoughts on the old saying, "Divide and Conquer "... but those three words say it all when speaking of "unity".  If we can stay in unity there is nothing that we can't do.  When we begin looking out for "me" first, we will fail as a body. 

The family of God needs to resemble those musk oxen.  We need to stand facing the storms that come, standing tightly side by side protecting those that are along side of us.  Always looking to guard one another in unity in Christ Jesus.  May we never EVER again cause any disunity in the family of God.

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